The first thing I want to post is just a single from rising Brooklyn duo, Tanlines. These guys have been in other bands that were popular I guess. I forget the names of the bands, but they weren't bad. Anyway now these guys make tons of remixes and recently have begun releasing original tracks. This song is from their new EP, Settings coming out on True Panther. This is just one mp3 and I apologize but it's REALLY FUCKING GOOD. For real, this track is hot fire y'all. Bogart this track dudes. I can't find a downloadable link, but here's the track. I embedded it for your listening pleasure. And please seek out the rest of their stuff, these guys are pretty legit I thinkz.
Real Life by truepanther
The next band I'd like to talk about is The Big Pink from England. Their clever mix of electro-tinged rock and noisy shoegaze create an interesting canvas for awesome pop hooks and vocal melodies. The lead single from their debut record, "A Brief History of Love" is 'Dominos.' A fat drum beat gives way to one of the catchiest hooks I've heard in awhile. This song is basically perfect and fits in well with the rest of the tracks on the record. Expect songs in a similar vein. Some songs are more shoegaze-y; "Crystal Visions," "Love is Vain." While some are more electro-influenced, "Frisk," "Velvet." This is another act I am curious to see live. Their material is extremely dense and hard to decipher in a live setting it might seem. But they're getting pretty big and have been touring a lot, so we'll see what happens. Get this album if you like any kind of shoegaze or British indie music that's been coming out recently
Next up is Y Δ C H T. I definitely did not dig this at first. The girl vocals didn't seem to fit and it sounded very '07-ish with the whole electrohouse pop sound. I got over my apprehension and listened to the record and found a very enjoyable pop album. The man behind it all is Jona Bechtolt. A 29 year old producer from Portland. After countless guest appearances and producing jobs, along with several releases from the YΔCHT project and even solo projects, Bechtolt conceived SEE MYSTERY LIGHTS. A fun and goofy sounding pop record drenched in slick production, interesting drum sounds, and creative synthesizer sounds. Plus there's a song called "I'm In Love With A Ripper!" That's awesome. The first two tracks are catchy as hell and set a bar for the following songs. Most of them meet the bar, while some aren't as impressive, this album is concise and well-structured. Legit record y'all.

Next up is Y Δ C H T. I definitely did not dig this at first. The girl vocals didn't seem to fit and it sounded very '07-ish with the whole electrohouse pop sound. I got over my apprehension and listened to the record and found a very enjoyable pop album. The man behind it all is Jona Bechtolt. A 29 year old producer from Portland. After countless guest appearances and producing jobs, along with several releases from the YΔCHT project and even solo projects, Bechtolt conceived SEE MYSTERY LIGHTS. A fun and goofy sounding pop record drenched in slick production, interesting drum sounds, and creative synthesizer sounds. Plus there's a song called "I'm In Love With A Ripper!" That's awesome. The first two tracks are catchy as hell and set a bar for the following songs. Most of them meet the bar, while some aren't as impressive, this album is concise and well-structured. Legit record y'all.
The last band I'd like to cover is Silver Apples. You might or might not have heard of these guys. But one listen to a record of theirs and it's hard to tell what decade it's from. You might be surprised to know, this duo were prominent in the 60s and 70s (and have made a very confusing reappearance, I have no idea what's going on there). They pioneered the synthesizer and the idea of 'electronic' music. They released a couple of records in their prime and I found a link with both of them in the same .zip folder. The first record is self titled and the second is titled CONTACT. Check out these guys and listen for the huge impact they had on today's music.

Thanks for reading and I'm going to try and keep posting more! And please tune into my radio show with my friend Jordan on Tuesdays from 6 - 8 PM eastern time. Listen live at! We're organizing an interview with Jim from Le Loup, a band who ended up pretty high on my year end list. (Buy the record FAMILY, trust me).
And one more plug that I have to do. Sorry guys I feel like a loser, but please check out my band Everybody Yay!! check me or Ethan's status on facebook for a mediafire link to a new tra...fuck it I'll just leave it here! Please stay tuned for more new music from us and hopefully an EP and more shows in Virginia! This is our brand new song "Knowing" free to download! Tell your friends. DOWNLOAD THE SONG HERE.
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